It's the best day of the year! Brush up on your Showtunes and we'll see you on the stage for our year end performance.
Our Recital is an exciting time for our dancers, and we aim to make this a very rewarding and positive experience for all. There are three performance times on Recital day, 11:00am, 2:30pm, and 6:30pm. Students can find which show they will be performing in on the Dress Rehearsal Schedule posted in the Studio.
Tickets will be available for purchase at Dress Rehearsal and Recital in the main lobby of McArthur Hall. Payments are accepted in cash or cheque.
COST: $15.00 adults/$12.00 children 12 and under
This is a non-profit venture and ticket proceeds pay for facility rentals, lighting, custodians, security, lighting technicians, props, decorations, etc. etc. etc.
Seating is on a first come first serve basis. Please do not use signs to hold seats in the auditorium, these will be removed. We reserve seating for VIP guests and assisted seating only, as pre-arranged with Leisa.
Persons requiring assisted seating due to a disability should advise Leisa prior to the day of the performance to ensure we reserve an adequate number of seats at the back of the auditorium.
ARRIVE EARLY ON RECITAL DAY FOR BEST SEATS. Doors will open 30 minutes before show time.
- Dancers are to report directly to the Dressing Rooms and remain with Leisa's staff. Parents proceed to auditorium to enjoy the show.
- After each student's performance they will remain in the dressing room/greenroom and participate in the Finale at the end of the recital.
- A draw for 1 FREE DANCE CLASS PER WEEK FOR ONE YEAR will take place at the end of the recital. Winner must be present to accept.
- Snacks and/or a favourite quiet activity to keep children occupied while they await their performance in the greenroom are welcome!
- REMEMBER TO MARK ALL BAGS/SHOES/CLOTHING with student's names as these items can easily get lost or mixed up at such a busy time.
- Rental Costumes MUST BE RETURNED after Student's performance in the Recital.
- Costume Return is located at the entrance tot he dressing room area. Return costumes to staff, where it will be labelled.
- Rental costumes NOT returned WILL BE INVOICED.
- Please remember to bring a change of clothes to wear home after returning your costume!